
Non-Smoking Facility
San Antonio , TX 78224
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San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 07/25/2024
Score 89
2 Guisada, menudo, frijoles, rice, salsa ranchero, salsa rojo at 48-56F. Cold hold temperatures of food stored overnight or longer must maintain temperatures of 41F or below. 3-501.16(A)(2) Cold Hold (41°F/45°F or below).
27 Walk-in cooler ambient temperature at 49-50F. Manager stated that he needed to adjust temperature because walk-in cooler was freezing. Utilize other cold hold units to store food. 4-301.11 Cooling, heating, and holding capacities. Equipment.
37 All food in cold hold units are to be covered. 3-302.11(A)(4) Food protected from cross contamination by storing the food in packages, covered containers, or wrappings.
45 Repair cracked tiles in front of hand sink. Repair 3 compartment sink. 6-501.11 Repairing. The physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair.
35 All jewelry, bracelets, etc must be removed prior to food preparation. 2-303.11 Jewelry Prohibition.
1 Food items stored overnight or longer should have been cooled to 41F or below prior to storage. You have a total of 6 hours to cool food to 41F or below. Food items made from 07/19 - 07/24 with temperatures above 41F. 3-501.14(A)(2) Cooling -- total 6 hours, 135-41°F.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 03/14/2024
Score 78
1 Observed chorizo cooling at room temp, temperature at 80F. Manager stated that chorizo was cooked 2-3 hours ago. Corrective Actions: Food items must be cooled to 70F within the first two hours after it reaches 135F. Reheat chorizo and start cooling process once more. 3-501.14(A)(1) Cooling -- within 2 hours, 135-70°F.
14 Handwashing must occur prior to glove use. Employees donned on new gloves as Inspector walked into kitchen, but no handwashing occured. 2-301.11 Clean Condition--hands and arms. 2-301.12(A) Cleaning procedure--time frame (20 seconds). 3-304.15(A) Gloves single use.
31 Observed dirty rag in hand sink. Corrective Actions: Do not store any items in hand sink. 5-205.11 Using a hand washing facility. accessible at all times for employee use; not be used for purposes other than hand washing.
19 Pipe under 3 compartment sink leaking. Plumbing for mop sink must be installed and repaired. Corrective Actions: Repair leak under 3 compartment sink. Mop sink must be installed and used for disposal of dirty mop water. Dumping of chemicals and dirty mop water into soil is prohibited. 5-205.15(A) A plumbing system shall be repaired according to the Plumbing Code.
27 Observed ambient temperature of reach-in cooler next to ice machine with temperature at 50F. Corrective Actions: Internal temperature of unit must be able to maintain food temperatures of 41F or below. 4-301.11 Cooling, heating, and holding capacities. Equipment.
9 Observed raw chicken and asada stored in the same container in walk-in cooler. Corrective Actions: Separate all raw meat products, each type of raw meat to be in separate containers. 3-302.11(A)(2) Food protected cross contamination separating types of raw animal food storage, preparation, holding, display.
2 Chopped meats and soups inside of reach in cooler with temperatures above 41F. Corrective Actions: Maintain cold hold temperatures of food at 41F or below. 3-501.16(A)(2) Cold Hold (41°F/45°F or below).
39 Do not use bowls as scoopers. 3-304.12(A) In-use utensils, between-use storage. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored except as specified under subsection (B) of this section, in the food with their handles above the top of the food and the container.
39 Do not store colander directly on top of trash bin. 3-304.12(E) In-use utensils, between-use storage. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored in a clean, protected location if the utensils, such as ice scoops, are used only with a food that is not time/temperature controlled for safety.
37 All food items in reach-in cooler by ice machine must be covered. 3-302.11(A)(4) Food protected from cross contamination by storing the food in packages, covered containers, or wrappings.
35 All employees handling/preparing food are to wear hair restraints. All jewelry, bracelets, etc must be removed prior to food preparation. 2-402.11 Hair Restraints effective. 2-303.11 Jewelry Prohibition.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 12/07/2023
Score 92
7 Observed menudo, chilaquil salsa, pollo guisado not discarded at end of day on 7th day (date marked 11/30 - 12/06). Corrective Actions: All food items are to be discarded after 7th day of storage. As per:3-101.11 Food safe, good condition, unadulterated, and honestly presented.
30 YOU HAVE UNTIL 12/14/23 TO PURCHASE YOUR PERMIT. 8-301.11.1 Permit Requirement, Prerequisite for Operation.
3 Observed chorizo beans on steam table with temperature of 125F. Corrective Actions: Ensure food maintains temperature of 135F or above. 3-501.16(A)(1) Hot Hold (135°F or higher).
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 06/29/2023
Score 87
2 Observed: Food in refrigerator with temperatures above 41F. Corrective Actions: Ensure food items stored overnight are with temperatures of 41F or below. As per: 3-501.16(A)(2) Cold Hold (41°F/45°F or below). ******************************** Observado: Alimentos en el refrigerador con temperaturas superiores a 41F. Acciones correctivas: asegúrese de que los alimentos almacenados durante la noche estén a temperaturas de 41F o menos. Según: 3-501.16(A)(2) Conservación en frío (41 °F/45 °F o menos).
29 Observed sanitizing test strips expired on 09/2022. Corrective Actions: Purchase new test strips and use strips to test sanitizer concentration in 3 compartment sink. As per: 4-302.14 Sanitizing solutions, testing devices. ********************************** Las tiras de prueba desinfectantes observadas vencieron el 09/2022. Acciones correctivas: compre tiras reactivas nuevas y utilícelas para probar la concentración de desinfectante en el fregadero de 3 compartimentos. Según: 4-302.14 Soluciones desinfectantes, dispositivos de prueba.
35 Observed: Employees without hat or hairnet. Corrective Actions: Ensure all employees in kitchen are wearing effective hair restraints. As per: 2-402.11 Hair Restraints effective. *********************************** Observado: Empleados sin gorro ni red para el cabello. Acciones correctivas: asegúrese de que todos los empleados en la cocina usen sujetadores de cabello efectivos. Según: 2-402.11 Restricciones para el cabello efectivas.
38 Observed: Meat thawing in pan above cold hold unit. Corrective Actions: Meat is to be thawed under refrigeration or under cool running water. As per: 3-501.13(A) Except as specified in paragraph (D) of this subsection, time/temperature controlled for safety (TCS) food shall be thawed under refrigeration that maintains the food temperature at 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit) or less. 3-501.13(B) Thawing. under running water criteria. ************************************** Observado: Carne descongelándose en la bandeja sobre la unidad de mantenimiento en frío. Acciones correctivas: La carne debe descongelarse bajo refrigeración o bajo agua corriente fría. Según: 3-501.13(A) Excepto como se especifica en el párrafo (D) de esta subsección, los alimentos con control de tiempo/temperatura por seguridad (TCS) deben descongelarse bajo refrigeración que mantenga la temperatura de los alimentos a 5 grados Celsius (41 grados Fahrenheit) o menos. 3-501.13(B) Descongelación. bajo criterios de agua corriente.
32 Observed: Cardboard used as liners in pantry, walk-in cooler shelves, and inside freezer. Corrective Actions: Do not use cardboard as liners. Use materials that can easily be cleaned and nonabsorbent. As per: 4-202.16 Nonfood-contact surfaces. Nonfood-contact surfaces shall be free of unnecessary ledges, projections, and crevices, and designed and constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance. **************************************** Observado: Cartón utilizado como revestimiento en la despensa, los estantes de la cámara frigorífica y el interior del congelador. Acciones correctivas: No use cartón como revestimiento. Utilice materiales que puedan limpiarse fácilmente y que no sean absorbentes. Según: 4-202.16 Superficies sin contacto con alimentos. Las superficies que no tienen contacto con los alimentos deben estar libres de salientes, salientes y hendiduras innecesarias, y diseñadas y construidas para permitir una fácil limpieza y mantenimiento.
21 Observed: Certified Food Protection Manager not present at establishment. Corrective Actions: Food Protection Manager is to be present at establishment during all hours of operation. As per: 228.31(b) Certified food protection manager shall be present at the food establishment during all hours of operation as required in Food Code, §2-101.11 and §2-102.12. *********************************************** Observado: Gerente certificado de protección de alimentos no presente en el establecimiento. Acciones correctivas: el gerente de protección de alimentos debe estar presente en el establecimiento durante todas las horas de operación. Según: 228.31(b) El gerente de protección de alimentos certificado deberá estar presente en el establecimiento de alimentos durante todas las horas de operación como lo requiere el Código de Alimentos, §2-101.11 y §2-102.12.
27 Observed: Carne guisada with temperature of 109F cooling on counter. Corrective Actions: Proper cooling method is to be followed. When food temperature reaches 135F, you have 2 hours to cool food to 70F. Then four hours to cool from 70F to 41F or below. Use ice baths, smaller portions, constantly stir, etc. As per: 3-501.15(A) Cooling method, criteria. ******************************** Observado: Carne guisada con temperatura de 109F enfriando en mostrador. Acciones correctivas: Se debe seguir el método de enfriamiento adecuado. Cuando la temperatura de los alimentos alcanza los 135F, tiene 2 horas para enfriar los alimentos a 70F. Luego cuatro horas para enfriar de 70F a 41F o menos. Use baños de hielo, porciones más pequeñas, revuelva constantemente, etc. Según: 3-501.15(A) Método de enfriamiento, criterios.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 03/27/2023
Score 92
14 Observed employee grab raw meat from refrigerator, place meat on grill then proceeded to put on gloves without washing hands. Corrective Actions: Whenever handling raw meat, wash hands. Hands must be washed before putting on gloves. Gloves DO NOT replace hand washing. As per: 2-301.14 When to wash. 2-301.11 Clean Condition--hands and arms.
29 Observed sanitizing test strips expired on 09/2022. Corrective Actions: Purchase new test strips and use strips to test sanitizer concentration in 3 compartment sink. As per: 4-302.14 Sanitizing solutions, testing devices.
10 Observed knives with food debris stored in several areas of establishment. Knives were stored underneath spice bottles, directly on shelf in pantry, directly on cold hold unit and underneath hot hold unit directly on soiled cardboard. Corrective Actions: All food-contact surfaces, such as knives, are to be washed, rinsed, and sanitized and stored in a clean designated area. As per: 4-601.11(A) Food-contact surfaces clean to sight and touch.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 12/09/2022
Score 87
2 Findings: Several containers of food, made the day before, in walk-in cooler with temperatures above 41 F. Corrective Action: Ensure all food stored in walk-in cooler are with temperatures of 41F or below. Use thermometers to routinely check temperatures of food. As per: 3-501.16(A)(2) Cold Hold (41°F/45°F or below).
21 Findings: No employee with Food Protection Manager Certification at time of inspection. (While creating report, CFM arrived at establishment). Food Protection Manager was not present during inspection. Corrective Action: At least one employee is to have Food Protection Manager Certification. You have until January 09, 2023 to obtain certification. As per: 2-102.12(A) At least one employee that has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an accredited program. 228.31(b) Certified food protection manager shall be present at the food establishment during all hours of operation as required in Food Code, §2-101.11 and §2-102.12.
22 Findings: Food Handler for person in charge expired July 2022. Two male employees in kitchen handling food are without Food Handler Certification. Corrective Action: All employees handling and preparing food are to be Food Handler Certified. You have until 01/09/23 to obtain certification. As per: 228.31(d) Food Handler Training criteria.
18 Findings: Toxic materials stored above clean dishes and utensils. Toxic chemicals in pantry stored above food. Corrective Actions: All toxic chemicals are to be stored away from food, food preparation areas, and clean equipment/utensils. As per: 7-201.11 Poisonous/toxic materials or chemicals stored properly.
7 Findings: Several vegetables in walk-in cooler (limes and poblano peppers) turning brown in color. Poblano peppers with growing white residue and no longer in good condition. Corrective Actions: Routinely check supplies ensure all food items are in good condition. As per: 3-101.11 Food safe, good condition, unadulterated, and honestly presented.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 07/14/2022
Score 94
38 Observed beef left out at room temperature to thaw in three compartment sink. Ensure when thawing to thaw under warm running water or use approved thawing methods as per; 3-501.13(A) Except as specified in paragraph (D) of this subsection, time/temperature controlled for safety (TCS) food shall be thawed under refrigeration that maintains the food temperature at 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit) or less. 3-501.13(B) Thawing. under running water criteria. 3-501.13(C)(2) TCS food shall be thawed as part of a cooking process if the food that is frozen is thawed in a microwave oven and immediately transferred to conventional cooking equipment, with no interruption in the process.
32 Observed tortillas stored in thank you bags. Ensure food contact surfaces are designed/constructed as per; 4-101.11 Materials that are used in the construction of utensils and food-contact surfaces of equipment may not allow the migration of deleterious substances or impart colors, odors, or tastes to food and under normal use conditions shall be: durable, corrosion-resistant, and nonabsorbent; sufficient in weight and thickness to withstand repeated ware washing; finished to have a smooth, easily cleanable surface; and resistant to pitting, chipping, crazing, scratching, scoring, distortion, and decomposition.
9 Observed lettuce stored next to raw meat. Ensure lettuce is stored above raw meat. 3-302.11(A)(2) Food protected cross contamination separating types of raw animal food storage, preparation, holding, display.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 03/10/2022
Score 93
9 Observed frozen meat in clear package left outside unattended. Meat was not there more then 4 hours. Ensure meat is not left outside unattended. Meat was transferred to cooler. 3-302.11(A)(2) Food protected cross contamination separating types of raw animal food storage, preparation, holding, display.
18 Observed unlabeled spray bottle with chemical liquid inside. Ensure all chemicals are labeled. 7-102.11 Poisonous/toxic materials or chemicals not in original container labeled.
45 Observed employee drink stored next to clean dishes. Observed employee bag next to clean dishes. Ensure employee items are in a designated labeled employee items spot under and away from clean dishes. 6-403.11(A) Areas for employees--location.
9 Observed raw fish stored next to vegetables. Ensure raw fish is stored below vegetables. 3-302.11(A)(2) Food protected cross contamination separating types of raw animal food storage, preparation, holding, display.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 12/02/2021
Score 91
9 Observed a box of raw beef outside on the floor. (not there for more then 4 hours). Ensure food is protected during storage, preparation, holding, display. * 228.66(a)(1)(B)(i) Food protected cross contamination separating types of raw animal food storage, preparation, holding, display.
30 Permit expired. Ensure to renew and post new permit. * 228.247 Not having a current/Valid Permit.
32 Observed foam cup used as a scoop for salsa. Ensure food contact surfaces are designed/constructed as per; * 228.101(a) Materials that are used in the construction of utensils and food-contact surfaces of equipment may not allow the migration of deleterious substances or impart colors, odors, or tastes to food and under normal use conditions shall be: durable, corrosion- resistant, and nonabsorbent; sufficient in weight and thickness to withstand repeated ware washing; finished to have a smooth, easily cleanable surface; and resistant to pitting, chipping, crazing, scratching, scoring, distortion, and decomposition.
37 Observed beef stored on the floor. Ensure food is stored at least 6 inches off the floor. 228.69(a)(2) Food in packages and working containers may be stored less than 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor on case lot handling equipment.
36 Observed wiping cloths in bucket with bleach/water sanitizer. Tested sanitizing solution and received a reading of 200ppm. Ensure sanitizing solution is 50-100ppm. 228.68(d)(2)(A) Cloths in-use for wiping between uses stored.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 08/06/2021
Score 94
36 Sanitizing bucket solution of bleach/water tested and received a reading of 10ppm. Ensure sanitizing solution is 50-100ppm. 228.68(d)(2)(A) Cloths in-use for wiping between uses stored.
18 Observed unlabeled spray bottle with purple liquid. Ensure chemicals are labeled. * 228.202 Poisonous/toxic materials or chemicals not in original container labeled.
37 Observed container of beef on the floor. Ensure food is at least 6 inches off the floor. 228.69(a)(1)(C) Storing the food at least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor.
45 Observed large hole in ceiling by bathrooms. Ensure ceiling is repaired. 228.173(h) Walls and ceilings, studs, joists, and rafters.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 04/06/2021
Score 94
36 Wiping cloth sanitizing solution (water/bleach combination) read at 10ppm. Ensure wiping cloth sanitizing solution is 50-100ppm. 228.68(d)(2)(A) Cloths in-use for wiping between uses stored.
21 Establishment does not have a certified food manager. Ensure to obtain a food manager certification. * 228.33(b) At least one certified food protection manager must be employed by each establishment.
9 Observed cheese stored next to raw beef. Ensure cheese is stored above raw animal product. Gave establishment food storage chart. * 228.66(a)(1)(B)(i) Food protected cross contamination separating types of raw animal food storage, preparation, holding, display.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 12/02/2020
Score 86
29 No test strips on site. Ensure test strips are available on site. * 228.108(e) Sanitizing solutions, testing devices.
28 Observed items in walk in fridge without discard dates. Ensure items are marked 6 days out with a discard date. * 228.75(g)(1) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food.
41 Observed stored food items in fridge without common name. Ensure stored food items are labeled with their common name. 228.66(b) Food storage containers, identified with common name of food..
37 Observed stored food with no protective covers. Ensure stored food is covered. 228.149(f)(9) Protective cover or device.
37 Observed beans stored on the floor. Ensure food is 6 inches off the floor. 228.69(a)(1)(C) Storing the food at least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor.
18 Sanitizing solution in sanitizer bucket reading at 25ppm. Ensure sanitizing solution is 50-100ppm. * 228.111(n)(6)(A) Chemical sanitizer generated onsite, device criteria.
22 Food handler and food manager certifications are expired. Ensure food handler and manager certifications are updated. * 228.33(c) Food Handler Training criteria.
9 Observed raw meat stored next to fruit. Ensure raw meat is stored below fruit. * 228.66(a)(1)(B)(i) Food protected cross contamination separating types of raw animal food storage, preparation, holding, display.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 03/26/2020
Score 96
28 * 228.75(g)(1) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food. Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food. Observed ready to eat food (menudo) in the walk in cooler without a discard or "'use-by" date. Prepared temperature control for safety foods stored for more than 24 hours must be date marked. Date markings must include consume by date and shall be no more than 7 days, with preparation day counting as day 1.
42 228.114(c) Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. Clean the interior of the ice machine regularly to prevent a source of contamination.
37 228.66(a)(1)(D) Food protected from cross contamination by storing the food in packages, covered containers, or wrappings. Observed 2 uncovered containers of food (Carne guisada -kitchen). Food shall be protected (wrapped, covered, packaged) to prevent cross contamination.
San Antonio , TX 78224
Date: 12/19/2019
Score 96
28 * 228.75(g)(1) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food. Observed ready to eat food (chicken)in the walk in cooler without a discard or "'use-by" date. Prepared temperature control for safety foods stored for more than 24 hours must be date marked. Date markings must include consume by date and shall be no more than 7 days, with preparation day counting as day 1.
45 228.186(a) Repairing. The physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair. Spray hose at the 3 compartment sink is below the overflow surface line. Repair/replace spray hose - Hose shall be above the water overflow surface line.
41 228.66(b) Food storage containers, identified with common name of food.. Observed a large food container flour) without identification labels. Bulk containers shall be labeled/identified with the common name of food contents such as sugar, flour, salt, etc.

NOTE: The City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District presents food establishment "Inspection Scores" calculated from a perfect 100 score minus any identified violations and subsequent demerits. The demerits system is computed based upon the number of violations found during a regular food establishment inspection. There are three categories of demerits and each are assigned a demerit score of 3, 2 or 1 points. A total demerit score of zero (0) indicates no violations were noted at the time of the inspection and is therefore reflected in a calculated "Inspections Score" of 100. It should be noted that a score of zero (0) demerits or a calculated "Inspection Score" of 100 does not mean that absolute perfect conditions exist at a facility/restaurant, and should not be the basis for any expectation by visitors. Scores and demerits listed on this site only represent the state of the facility/restaurant at the time of inspection.

Any reference to specific food establishments or facilities does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District.