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Date: 09/20/2024
Score 90
19 Observed large leaks underneath the middle and right compartment of the three-compartment sink located closest to the retail side of the establishment. The left compartment appeared to have a minor leak as well. These leks MUST be repaired/ sealed so that dirty wastewater does NOT continue to spill onto the floor. Observed that the hot water at the second three-compartment sink must be turned on underneath the compartments via the valves. The hot water has to be turned on and shut off in this manner because the hot water handles are loose and slipping (unable to turn off the hot water at either handle). The handles of the sink fixtures MUST be tightened with a screwdriver so that they can open and shut off the water, or the sink fixtures MUST be replaced with brand new ones. Ensure that all kitchen and bathroom plumbing are free of leaks and in good repair. Ensure the following: 5-205.15(A) A plumbing system shall be repaired according to the Plumbing Code.
19 Observed that the second three-compartment sink did NOT have an air gap at the start of the inspection. The CFM showed the inspector that the funnel pipe can be removed. The inspector instructed the CFM to purchase a new funnel that is shorter and wider so that it still catches the wastewater but also gives the plumbing line above it the require one inch air gap. Ensure that all kitchen plumbing maintains an air gap of at least one inch (1”) above the kitchen floor or the top rim of the floor drain funnel (NOT from the bottom of the floor drain). If the diameter of the pipe is larger than one inch, then the air gap is double the diameter (example: A kitchen pipe that has a diameter of two inches NEEDS an air gap of at least four inches above the kitchen floor). This shall prevent contamination of the plumbing lines in the event of a sewage backflow. This rule applies to restaurant grade hoses or plumbing that come from appliances such as ice machines and cold holds. The CFM removed the funnel attachment until they find one that is shorter and wider. Ensure the following:5-202.13 Backflow prevention, air gap.
27 Observed that the front Coca Cola refrigerator had internal ambient temperatures of 43 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit (F). Observed that one of the walk-in coolers had internal ambient temperatures of 44 degrees Fahrenheit (F). Both units MUST be looked at by a certified service technician to see if the unit needs more refrigerant (Freon), if the compressor needs to be replaced/ repaired, or if the coils need to be replaced/ repaired. Ensure that all cold hold units, reach-in coolers, refrigerators, cold tables, and walk-in coolers are sufficient in number and capacity to keep Time/ Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) food and beverages below 41 F and out of the danger zone. If TCS food has been out of temperature for more than four (4) hours, then the TCS food MUST be discarded immediately. The inspector instructed the CFM to place a maintenance order so that a service technician can come out and investigate why the unit is not keeping the food at 41 F. Ensure the following: 4-301.11 Cooling, heating, and holding capacities. Equipment.
24 Observed bags of Chicharron, that were produced on site, missing labels with the required information. The chicharron bags were stored at the front counter where a customer could grab them and take to the register. Ensure that packaged food and beverages placed in a self-serve area of the establishment (where customers may grab the food item and take to the register), are given a label that states the five following criteria: 1. Common Name of the food item or beverage. 2. Name of the business/ establishment 3. Full Address of the kitchen where the food item or beverage was prepared/baked. 4. List of Ingredients (from the ingredient that compromises most of the food item, to the ingredient with the lowest amount comprising the dish) 5. Allergens For now, the establishment shall have to remove the bags of Chicharron from their shelves until proper labeling has been placed on the bags. The establishment also has the option to place the packaged food behind the front counter so that labels would NOT be required. If the chicharron or any food product are produced and purchased by another licensed food establishment, then that food establishment MUST provide the labels and a copy of their State Manufacturing License. The CFM placed the packaged cakes in a cold hold within the kitchen. The Certified Food Manager (CFM) pulled the product off the front counter and stored them behind the front counter (out of customer reach). Ensure the following: 3-602.11(A) Food packaged in a establishment, shall be labeled as specified in law. 3-602.11(B)(1) Label include the common name of the food, an adequately descriptive identity statement. 3-602.11(B)(2) Label include if made from two or more ingredients, a list of ingredients and sub-ingredients in descending order. 3-602.11(B)(4) Label include the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor.
28 Observed the Use By dates missing for Time/ Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) food such as green salsas and Barbacoa. The TCS food only had preparation dates of 09/19/2024 but they should have had Use By dates of 09/25/2024 on their paper labels by this morning since they were prepared yesterday morning around 6:00 AM. Observed a few covered trays of tamales missing both prep and Use By dates. Ensure that any Time/ Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) food or beverages, such as hand-made salsas and Barbacoa, stored within the establishment are given a preparation date and a Use-By date. The Use-By date has up to twenty-four (24) hours to be labeled on the container/ tray from the time it is placed inside a cold hold unit. The TCS food item or beverage MUST be discarded after seven days at the end of the shift (7 days: day of preparation and six days after that). Ensure that the dates are correct. The CFM wrote down the Use By date (09/25/2024) on all the salsas, tamales, and barbacoa. Ensure the following: 3-501.17(A) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food.
34 Observed that the back exit door and the exit door on the left side of the building were left open and there was no mesh screen door to deter any flying or crawling pests. All exits and entrances MUST have a self-closing, tight-fitting mesh screen door that prevent insects and pests from entering the establishment. The mesh for the screen doors MUST be 16 mesh to 25.4 mm (16 mesh to 1 inch) screens, or the establishment may install properly designed and installed air curtains to control flying insects. The exit door CANNOT be left open until these mesh screen doors are properly installed. Ensure the following: 6-202.15(D) Windows or doors protected against the entry criteria.
Date: 02/06/2024
Score 83
3 Observed beans in steam table that did NOT have internal temperatures reaching 135 degrees Fahrenheit (F) or higher. The inspector took temperatures of the beans in three separate spots of the food and received the following temperatures: 128 F, 125 F, and 132 F. Ensure that hot Time/ Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) food items have an internal temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when they are within hot holds. If the hot TCS food item is out of temperature for more than four (4) hours, then it MUST be discarded immediately. Cooked/ prepared hot TCS foods should NOT be stored outside of hot holds, steam tables, or warming racks unless they are going to be served or going through the cooling process. The beans were out of temperature for three hours. The Certified Food Manager instructed the staff to reheat the beans to 165 F and then return them to the steam table. Ensure the following:
19 Observed that the Wash basin of the three-compartment sink had a large leak underneath it around the area where it is connected to the hard-plumbing. Ensure that all kitchen and bathroom plumbing are free of leaks and in good repair. Ensure the following: 5-205.15(A) A plumbing system shall be repaired according to the Plumbing Code.
20 Observed the second three-compartment sink, near the walk-in cooler, had the water turned off. The inspector observed the floor drain have standing water filled to the rim. The inspector ran the cold water and observed that the water that fell into the floor drain would spill/ flow out of the floor drain. The inspector requested the water to be turned back on and ran the water. The water would NOT drain into the floor drain, and instead spilled/ flowed out of the floor drain. Ensure that all kitchen plumbing lines, and floor drains properly convey sewage. No sewage backflows should occur that can risk contaminating the foods on site. A separate CLOSURE report shall be issued. Ensure the following: 5-403.11(B) Capacity and drainage. 5-402.13 Conveying sewage.
15 Observed one Food Handler wearing only one glove as they chopped an onion. The inspector asked what the onion would be used for, and the Certified Food Manager stated that they are used to place onto tacos. Ensure that the staff are wearing gloves when cooking, preparing, or modifying food (Example: cutting onions with bare hands and being served as an ingredient to the customer without going through a “kill step”). A form of barrier is also allowed between the bare hand and the food item (example: food-grade paper, food-grade thin plastic sheets, a utensil, aluminum foil, etc.). No bare handling is allowed unless the Establishment submits a Variance Plan to the Food and Environmental department of San Antonio. The Variance Plan MUST be APPROVED by the Food and Environmental Services Manager for their Bare Hand Contact Plan. If a food item is going through a “kill step” (heated up to 135 degrees Fahrenheit (F) or higher, depending on the Time/ Temperature Control for safety (TCS) food item), then bare-handling is permitted (Example: Raw chicken that was chopped up to be cooked to 165 degrees Fahrenheit (F) for at least fifteen seconds). The Food Handler was instructed to wear a glove for the exposed hand. Ensure the following: 3-301.11(B) Bare hands contact with ready-to-eat foods.
45 Observed ceiling panels/ tiles in the manufacturing ceiling that NEED to be replaced because the paint was peeling/ flaking. Observed the right bottom corner of the room where tamales are steamed had a hole in between the wall and floor edge. This hole NEEDS to be sealed/ caulked. Observed the walls of the walk-in cooler to the left of the three-compartment sink had three metal wall sheets that were corroded and badly damaged. The inspector observed raw wood and splintered wood behind the metal sheets. The inspector observed foam, ice, and food debris gathered in the hole in the bottom left edge. The metal sheet walls are REQUIRED to be replaced so that food contamination does NOT occur from all the debris that has gathered in the edges. Ensure that all walls, floors, and ceilings are frequently cleaned and sanitized to prevent accumulation of food debris (which can attract pests). Ensure that all walls, floors, and ceilings are smooth, easily cleanable, non-absorbent, durable, and in good repair. Ensure the following: 6-501.11 Repairing. The physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair. 6-501.12 Cleaning, frequency and RESTRICTIONs.
37 Observed food inside the walk-in freezer nearest the back exit have crates of food that were NOT covered with a form of cover, lid, or plastic wrapping. Ensure that all food items, Ready to Eat (RTE) and Time/ Temperature Control for Safety (TCS), have a cover, lid, or wrapping to prevent cross contamination or contamination from miscellaneous sources. Ensure the following: 3-302.11(A)(4) Food protected from cross contamination by storing the food in packages, covered containers, or wrappings.
37 Observed food in boxes stored on the floor of the walk-in freezer nearest the back exit. Ensure that all food items, including beverages and bags of ice, are stored at LEAST six inches (6”) above the floor. Storing food items and beverages above the kitchen floor shall prevent environmental contamination from insects, rodents, and sanitizer from mopping. Ensure the following: 3-305.11(A)(3) Storing the food at least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor.
28 Observed salsas prepared last Saturday missing preparation and Use-By dates. Observed bags of chopped vegetables missing preparation and Use-By dates. Ensure that any Time/ Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) food items or beverages, such as hand-made salsas or sauces, made within the establishment are given a preparation date and a Use-By date. The Use-By date has up to twenty-four (24) hours to be labeled on the container. The TCS food item or beverage MUST be discarded after seven days at the end of the shift (7 days: day of preparation and six days after that). Ensure that the dates are correct. Ensure the following: 3-501.17(A) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food.
47 Observed that the establishment could NOT produce all the certificates of the Food Handlers that were on site. The inspector instructed the establishment to hold copies of each Food Handler’s certification in a binder on site to present to the inspectors during each inspection. The establishment and Food Handlers are responsible for renewing the certifications before they expire. Ensure the following: 228.31(e) The food establishment shall maintain on premises a certificate of completion of the food handler training course for each food employee.
Date: 09/08/2023
Score 91
22 Observed all of the Food Handler certifications for the staff were expired (2019). Ensure that any staff member who handles, cooks, prepares, or modifies food dishes has their Food Handler certification by the next routine food inspection, or the establishment shall be subject to a reinspection with a fee of $103.00 Ensure that all Food Handler certifications, that are NOT expired, are stored in a binder onsite. Failure to maintain records of Food Handler training shall result in workers being disbarred from handling, cooking, preparing, and modifying food by the NEXT routine food inspection. Ensure the following: 228.31(d) Food Handler Training criteria.
37 Observed water droplets condensing under the walk-in cooler fan box fall and pool onto the surface of boxed food items. Ensure all food items are NOT in direct contact with water or ice that may contaminate the food item. Ensure the following:3-305.11(A)(2) Storing the food where it is not exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination.
37 Observed food items (meats) stored on the floor of the walk-in cooler. Ensure that all food items, including beverages, are stored six inches (6”) above the floor. Storing food items and beverages above the kitchen floor shall prevent environmental contamination from insects, rodents, and sanitizer from mopping. Ensure the following: 3-305.11(A)(3) Storing the food at least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor.
29 Observed that the concentration of the Bleach/ Chlorine sanitizing solution for the industrial dish-washing machine was low (~ 25 Parts Per Million (PPM)). Ensure that Bleach/ Chlorine sanitizers have a concentration of 50 to 100 PPM, and Quaternary Ammonium sanitizers have a concentration of 200 to 400 PPM. These concentrations are NEEDED to effectively sanitize food-contact surfaces and nonfood contact surfaces. Staff corrected the concentration by adding more Bleach. Ensure the following: 4-501.116 Concentration of the sanitizing solution shall be accurately determined by using a test kit or other device.
29 Observed that neither the three-compartment sink and the industrial dish-washing machine had testing strips. Ensure that all three-compartment sinks, ware washing machines, and industrial dish-washing machines have testing strips nearby for the staff to use and check the concentrations of sanitizer solutions. Ensure the following: 4-302.14 Sanitizing solutions, testing devices.
45 Observed a large hole in the bottom right corner of a wall. This hole may serve as a point of entry for insects or rodents. Ensure that all walls, floors, and ceilings are smooth, easily cleanable, non-absorbent, durable, and in good repair. This shall prevent the entry of pests. Ensure the following: 6-501.11 Repairing. The physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair.
3 Observed that the temperature taken of the Frijoles stored on the hot hold was low (131 degrees Fahrenheit (F)). Ensure that all Time/ Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) food items, after being cooked to their proper temperatures, are placed in a hot hold or steam table that is able to keep the hot foods at 135 F or higher. The staff turned up the heater for the hot hold to get it above 135 F. Ensure the following: 3-501.16(A)(1) Hot Hold (135°F or higher).
Date: 01/31/2023
Score 100
Date: 07/05/2022
Score 97
45 Walk in freezer observed with ice accumulation from dripping pipe at cooling fans. Ensure the following: 6-501.11 Repairing. The physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair.
45 Observed walk-in cooler floor with food debris and dried blood. Ensure that facilities are cleaned frequently to avoid the accumulation of food debris. 6-501.12 Cleaning, frequency and RESTRICTIONs..
37 Chicken and beef stored on floor in walk-in cooler. Ensure that the establishment is: 3-305.11(A)(3) Storing the food at least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor.
37 Observed barbacoa and other food items in walk-in cooler not covered. Ensure the following: 3-302.11(A)(4) Food protected from cross contamination by storing the food in packages, covered containers, or wrappings.
39 Observed utensils used for scoops in corn without handle. Ensure the following: 3-304.12(A) In-use utensils, between-use storage. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored except as specified under subsection (B) of this section, in the food with their handles above the top of the food and the container.
Date: 01/06/2022
Score 97
37 MUST MAINTAIN PREPARED FOODS STORED IN WALKIN REFRIGERATOR AND FREEZER COVERED/PROTECTED WHILE IN THIS STORAGE AS PER 3-302.11(A)(4) Food protected from cross contamination by storing the food in packages, covered containers, or wrappings.
Date: 05/27/2021
Score 81
3 Beans in the steam table had a temperature reading of 101 F. Beans had been out of temperature control for less than an hour. Beans were reheated to 165 F. Ensure food is kept as per * 228.75(f)(1)(A) Hot Hold (135°F or higher).
18 Can of insecticide not approved for kitchen use was stored in the drying rack next to clean dishes and spices. Ensure only pesticides approved for use in commercial kitchens is used and stored as per * 228.203 Poisonous/toxic materials or chemicals stored properly.
21 No certified food manager present. Facility has 60 days to obtain a certified food manager. As per * 228.33(a) At least one employee that has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an accredited program.
22 No certified food handled present. Facility has 60 days to obtain food handler certifications for employees that are not certified food managers. * 228.33(c) Food Handler Training criteria.
28 Observed masa that was prepared two days prior in walk in cooler was not labeled and dated. Ensure food is labeled and dated as per * 228.75(g)(1) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food.
37 Observed corn in masa production area not covered. Ensure food is covered when it is not being actively handled. 228.66(a)(1)(D) Food protected from cross contamination by storing the food in packages, covered containers, or wrappings.
39 Observed clean utensils stored in a drawer with debris. Ensure utensils are stored as per 228.124(a)(1)(A) Cleaned equipment and utensils, laundered linens, and single-service and single-use articles shall be stored in a clean, dry location.
42 Observed debris build up on equipment, such as hot table. Ensure equipment is kept clean as per 228.113(3) Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
45 Observed grease and debris build up on walls, ceilings and floor. Ensure walls, ceilings and floors are kept clean as per 228.186(b) Cleaning, frequency
23 Checked four sinks and the temperature reading did not exceed 87 F. Plumbers arrived on site and repaired heater. Ensure there is hot water in the facility. * 228.143(c) Hot water. Hot water generation and distribution systems shall be sufficient to meet the peak hot water demands throughout the food establishment.
34 Observed tears in the window screens and backdoor was not tight fitting. Ensure windows have screens in good conditions and doors are tight fitting. 228.174(e)(1) Outer openings, protected.
Date: 06/09/2020
Score 95
23 * 228.143(a) Water capacity. Hot water at hand sink 94F. Hot water of 100F or greater must be available at hand sink.
2 * 228.75(f)(1)(B) Cold Hold (41°F/45°F or below). Reach in cooler in retail not holding salsas. Internal temperature of thermometer reading above 41F. Investigate and correct. Do not store any TCS foods in reach in cooler until cooler can maintain proper temperature.

NOTE: The City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District presents food establishment "Inspection Scores" calculated from a perfect 100 score minus any identified violations and subsequent demerits. The demerits system is computed based upon the number of violations found during a regular food establishment inspection. There are three categories of demerits and each are assigned a demerit score of 3, 2 or 1 points. A total demerit score of zero (0) indicates no violations were noted at the time of the inspection and is therefore reflected in a calculated "Inspections Score" of 100. It should be noted that a score of zero (0) demerits or a calculated "Inspection Score" of 100 does not mean that absolute perfect conditions exist at a facility/restaurant, and should not be the basis for any expectation by visitors. Scores and demerits listed on this site only represent the state of the facility/restaurant at the time of inspection.

Any reference to specific food establishments or facilities does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District.