
Non-Smoking Facility
2015 PLACE
San Antonio , TX 78212
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2015 PLACE
San Antonio , TX 78212
Date: 08/10/2024
Score 88
18 Observed a clear spray bottle with a blue chemical inside of it. The staff on site stated that it was Windex. The inspector told the staff that all chemical spray bottles MUST be labeled on the outside to identify the chemical inside. Ensure that all spray bottles and containers filled with chemicals or pesticides are labeled on the outside with the name of the chemical. Staff may use a dry-erase marker or a sticker label to indicate which chemical is inside. Ensure that the label is rewritten/ replaced once it becomes too faded or scratched out (unreadable). The staff on site wrote the name of the chemical on the bottle with permanent marker. Ensure the following: 7-102.11 Poisonous/toxic materials or chemicals not in original container labeled.
45 Observed that the floors of the bar area were very dirty (accumulation of trash, squeezed lemons, and grime). Observed dirty floors under the standing mop sink and observed dirty floors under the men’s bathroom handwash sink. The bar staff NEED to do a deep cleaning of the bar floors, the mop sink closet, and under the bathroom handwash sinks. This shall help in reducing the risk of pests being attracted to these harborage areas. Ensure that all walls, floors, and ceilings are frequently cleaned and sanitized to prevent accumulation of food debris and trash. Ensure the following: 6-501.12 Cleaning, frequency and RESTRICTIONs.
29 Observed that the bar staff did NOT have access to Quaternary Ammonium testing strips to check the concentration of the Quaternary Ammonium tablets that dissolve in the water. Ensure that the three-compartment sink is always stocked with testing strips so that the staff can check if the sanitizer concentrations are within acceptable parameters (50 to 100 Parts Per Million (PPM) for Bleach/ Chlorine sanitizers, and 200 to 400 PPM for Quaternary Ammonium sanitizers). The testing strips MUST NOT be expired. Ensure that bar utensils such as ice scoopers, shot glasses, jiggers, and other beverage preparation utensils are taken to the three-compartment sink to be Washed, Rinsed, and Sanitized every four hours. The sanitizers in the red sanitizer buckets MUST be remade every two to four hours depending on how often the bartenders and staff clean spills and stains at the bar. Ensure the following: 4-302.14 Sanitizing solutions, testing devices.
42 Observed dirty top sliding edges of the top slide-open beer coolers. Observed water accumulated at the bottom of the beer cooler at the right end of the bar. The staff NEED to continually wipe down these top sliding edges and the inside surfaces of the beer coolers. Water should NOT be accumulating at the bottom of any beer cooler (MUST drain in a timely fashion). Ensure that all Nonfood Contact Surfaces are cleaned and sanitized with Bleach/ Chlorine solutions that have a concentration of 50 to 100 Parts Per Million (PPM), or with Quaternary Ammonium solutions with concentrations of 200 to 400 PPM. This shall prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganisms that can contaminate food, and prevent insects and rodents being attracted. Ensure the following: 4-601.11(C) Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
34 Observed multiple gnats under the three-compartment sink and the ice box unit. These gnats gather due to the accumulation of trash and squeezed limes on the bar floor. Ensure that staff are practicing safe sanitary practices to reduce the likelihood of pests from becoming attracted to sources of harborage. The establishment should hire a licensed, professional pest control company to fumigate/ treat the bar floors and other areas that have gnats/ fruit flies. Ensure the following: 6-202.13 Insect control devices, design and installation. 6-501.111(D) Controlling pests. Eliminating harborage conditions.
45 Observed a hole in the bar wall that separates the bartender from the customers. Observed a noticeable gap around the soda syrup lines that go through the wall to the right of the ice box that is used as storage. These holes and gaps NEED to be sealed/ caulked or given new drywall. Expanding foam spray is an acceptable temporary repair. Ensure that all walls, floors, and ceilings are smooth, flat, easily cleanable, non-absorbent, durable, and in good repair. Ensure the following: 6-501.11 Repairing. The physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair.
39 Observed that the beer shelving in the standing mop sink closet were made of raw wood that was NOT painted or sealed with varnish. Ensure that any equipment or facilities made from raw wood are either sealed or painted to prevent the wood from rotting when it gets exposed to water (prevents bacteria from growing when the wood begins to rot). Observed a metal food scooper on the floor underneath the ice box that is NOT in use (at the end of the bar). Ensure the following: 4-501.11 Good repair and proper adjustment. 4-602.11(E)(1) Surfaces of utensils and equipment contacting food that is not time/temperature control for safety shall be cleaned at any time when contamination may have occurred.
46 Observed that the women’s bathroom trash can was missing a cover/ lid. Observed that water would leak out of the cold-water handle when the men’s bathroom handwash sink hot water handle was turned on. Ensure that all the trash cans inside the women’s bathroom, or in any bathroom that female employees or customers use, have a lid/ cover for hygienic products. Ensure that all kitchen and bathroom plumbing are free of leaks and in good repair. Ensure the following: 5-501.17 Toilet room receptacle, covered. 5-205.15(B) A plumbing system shall be maintained in good repair.
31 Observed that the bar handwash sink (part of the four-compartment sink) had a bar mat, several discarded straws, and several squeezed limes store inside of it. Observed that the bar handwash sink had Dawn Dish Soap, and NOT liquid or foam hand soap. Ensure that all kitchen and bathroom handwash sinks are stocked with hand soap and disposable paper towels during all hours of operation. The hand soap CANNOT be a bar of soap, liquid dish soap, or hand sanitizer. It MUST be liquid or foam hand soap. Ensure that the basins of the handwash sinks are kept clear and are easily accessible to the Food Handlers (should only be used to wash hands). Ensure the following: 6-301.11 Hand washing cleanser, availability. 5-205.11 Using a hand washing facility. accessible at all times for employee use; not be used for purposes other than hand washing.
2015 PLACE
San Antonio , TX 78212
Date: 06/12/2023
Score 94
34 Observed multiple flies on the left drain board of the three compartment sink on a cut lime. Ensure any used limes or food items used to garnish drinks are thrown away after use. Ensure the following: 6-501.111(B) Controlling pests. Check premises. Observed three pests on the floor to the right of the beer coolers, that scattered under the unsealed/ warped flooring. Ensure the following:6-501.111(D) Controlling pests. Eliminating harborage conditions.
45 Observed raw wooden flooring underneath the ice chest and below the beer coolers (the bar area is mainly comprised of raw wooden flooring). Observed uneven floors of bathrooms that need to be smooth and easily cleanable. Observed flooring of walk-in cooler be made of raw wood and it was not sealed. All raw wooden flooring needs to sealed/ painted to prevent it from rotting when it gets wet and dirty. Ensure the following: 6-101.11(A)(1) Materials for floor, wall, and ceiling shall be smooth, durable, non-absorbent, in good repair, and easily cleanable.
39 Observed one of the fans was not working within the walk-in cooler. Observed the seal of the door of the walk-in cooler was not closing properly (would not stay closed. Observed shelving within the mop sink closet was not sealed/ painted. All raw wood needs to be sealed/ painted to prevent the growth of bacteria/ wood rotting when it gets wet or dirty. Ensure the following: 4-501.11 Good repair and proper adjustment.
39 Observed ice scooper handle touching food item (ice) within the ice chest. Ensure ice scoopers are stored in their own container/ bucket, or within the ice with the handle above the ice (prevents contamination). Ensure the following: 3-304.12(A) In-use utensils, between-use storage. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored except as specified under subsection (B) of this section, in the food with their handles above the top of the food and the container.
45 Observed the bar floor was unsanitary and needs to be cleaned/ sanitized before being sealed. This shall help prevent ideal harborage conditions of pests. Ensure the following: 6-501.12 Cleaning, frequency and RESTRICTIONs.
42 Observed the beer coolers had dirty edges (where it closes). Observed the bottom of beer coolers have dirty standing water that has not been drained for some time. All beer coolers need o be frequently drained, cleaned, and sanitized to prevent pest harborage conditions and prevent bacteria growth that can contaminate the beverages. All beverage lip contact surfaces must not make contact with the dirty water, otherwise it must be thrown out. Ensure the following: 4-601.11(C) Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
46 Ensure the women's bathroom has a covered trash can. Ensure the following: 5-501.17 Toilet room receptacle, covered.
37 Observed canned sprite on the bar floor, and alcohol on the floor of the mop sink room. Ensure food items, including beverages, are at least six inches above the bar floor. Ensure the following: 3-305.11(A)(3) Storing the food at least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor.
46 Observed a loose hand sink faucet in the women's bathroom. Ensure that the faucet and knobs are caulked to prevent it from moving. Ensure the following: 5-205.15(B) A plumbing system shall be maintained in good repair.
2015 PLACE
San Antonio , TX 78212
Date: 05/09/2022
Score 94
2 Opened jars of olives and cherry in reach-in cooler were temping at 50F. Ensure that food items that need to be temperature and time controlled are kept at least 45F or less. 3-501.16(A)(2) Cold Hold (41°F/45°F or below).
31 Employees using reused towel to dry hands at handwashing station. Ensure that disposable towels are used to dry hands at handwashing stations. 6-301.12 Hand drying provision..
46 Door to female restroom not self closing. Ensure that all doors to restrooms are self closing. 6-202.14 Toilet rooms, enclosed.
2015 PLACE
San Antonio , TX 78212
Date: 12/23/2020
Score 100

NOTE: The City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District presents food establishment "Inspection Scores" calculated from a perfect 100 score minus any identified violations and subsequent demerits. The demerits system is computed based upon the number of violations found during a regular food establishment inspection. There are three categories of demerits and each are assigned a demerit score of 3, 2 or 1 points. A total demerit score of zero (0) indicates no violations were noted at the time of the inspection and is therefore reflected in a calculated "Inspections Score" of 100. It should be noted that a score of zero (0) demerits or a calculated "Inspection Score" of 100 does not mean that absolute perfect conditions exist at a facility/restaurant, and should not be the basis for any expectation by visitors. Scores and demerits listed on this site only represent the state of the facility/restaurant at the time of inspection.

Any reference to specific food establishments or facilities does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District.