
Non-Smoking Facility
1615 WEST AV
San Antonio , TX 78201
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Related Reports
1615 WEST AV
San Antonio , TX 78201
Date: 11/02/2023
Score 98
41 3-302.12 Food storage containers, identified with common name of food.. PLEASE LABEL THE CONTAINERS WITH LEMON JUICE.
43 6-202.11 Light bulbs shall be shielded, coated, or otherwise shatter-resistant. ENSURE THE BULB IN WALK IN COOLER IS SHATTER RESISTANT OR SHIELDED.
1615 WEST AV
San Antonio , TX 78201
Date: 11/01/2022
Score 98
42 4-602.13 Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. Please clean inside of ice machine where black residue was observed.
45 6-501.114 Maintaining premises, unnecessary items and litter. PLEASE CLEAN AROUND ANY EQUIPMENT WHERE ITEMS NO LONGER NEEDED ARE REMOVED.
1615 WEST AV
San Antonio , TX 78201
Date: 10/22/2021
Score 98
31 * 228.149(a) Using a hand washing facility. accessible at all times for employee use; not be used for purposes other than hand washing.
1615 WEST AV
San Antonio , TX 78201
Date: 11/02/2020
Score 100
1615 WEST AV
San Antonio , TX 78201
Date: 01/30/2020
Score 87
9 Raw food products in refrigeration units and preparation lines should be arrange a manner which reduces the possibility of cross-contamination from the different meats types. Review handouts given. * 228.66(a)(1)(B)(ii) Food protected cross contamination arrange each type food in equipment so cross is prevented. ---Spanish---- Los productos alimenticios crudos en unidades de refrigeración y líneas de preparación deben organizarse de manera que reduzca la posibilidad de contaminación cruzada de los diferentes tipos de carne. Revise los folletos dados. * 228.66 (a) (1) (B) (ii) La contaminación cruzada protegida por alimentos arregla cada tipo de alimento en el equipo para prevenir el cruzamiento.
24 Fruit cups in cooler must be properly labeled if prepackaged for customers. (a) Food labels. (1) Food packaged in a food establishment, shall be labeled as specified in law, including 21 CFR 101, Food Labeling, 9 CFR 317, Labeling, Marking Devices, and Containers, and 9 CFR 381, Subpart N, Labeling and Containers. Pf [24] (2) Label information shall include: (A) the common name of the food, or absent a common name, an adequately descriptive identity statement; Pf [24] (D) the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor; Pf [24]
28 Prepared foods were improperly labeled. The food was missing a label with the day of preparation. Food should be marked with an identifier name, date of preparation and a discard date. Date of preparation is day one, plus 6 for a total of 7 days. *228.75(g)(1) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food. The longest USE BY date is the day of preparation plus 6 days.-
34 Rodent waste can be seen in some areas of building. 228.186(k)(2) Controlling pests. Check premises. (2) routinely inspecting the premises for evidence of pests; [34] (3) using methods, if pests are found, such as trapping devices or other means of pest control. (4) eliminating harborage conditions. [34]
18 Green rodent bait can be seen in several different locations. (a) Restricted use pesticides §228.204(b)(3) (b) Rodent bait stations. Rodent bait shall be contained in a covered, tamper-resistant bait station. P [18]
45 228.186(n) Maintaining premises, unnecessary items and litter. The premises shall be free of: (1) items that are unnecessary to the operation or maintenance of the establishment such as equipment that is nonfunctional or no longer used; [45] and (2) litter
43 More light is need by three compartment sink and all refrigerators must have a working light. The light intensity shall be: (1) at least 108 lux (10 foot candles) at a distance of 75 cm (30 inches) above the floor, in walk-in refrigeration units and dry food storage areas and in other areas and rooms during periods of cleaning; [43]
18 Personal medicine, sunblocks, and other toxic items are stored away from food and food preparation areas. Store toxic chemicals in an area that prevents the contamination on food or food contact surfaces. * 228.203 Poisonous/toxic materials or chemicals stored properly.

NOTE: The City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District presents food establishment "Inspection Scores" calculated from a perfect 100 score minus any identified violations and subsequent demerits. The demerits system is computed based upon the number of violations found during a regular food establishment inspection. There are three categories of demerits and each are assigned a demerit score of 3, 2 or 1 points. A total demerit score of zero (0) indicates no violations were noted at the time of the inspection and is therefore reflected in a calculated "Inspections Score" of 100. It should be noted that a score of zero (0) demerits or a calculated "Inspection Score" of 100 does not mean that absolute perfect conditions exist at a facility/restaurant, and should not be the basis for any expectation by visitors. Scores and demerits listed on this site only represent the state of the facility/restaurant at the time of inspection.

Any reference to specific food establishments or facilities does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District.