
Non-Smoking Facility
1503 MAIN AV N
San Antonio , TX 78212
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1503 MAIN AV N
San Antonio , TX 78212
Date: 05/03/2024
Score 86
18 Observed one chemical spray bottle at the bar and chemical spray bottle at one of the kitchen handwash sinks that were missing labels that properly identifies the chemicals inside. Ensure that all spray bottles and containers filled with chemicals or pesticides are labeled on the outside with the name of the chemical. Staff may use a dry-erase marker or a sticker label to indicate which chemical is inside. Ensure that the label is rewritten/ replaced once it becomes too faded or scratched out (unreadable). Ensure the following: 7-102.11 Poisonous/toxic materials or chemicals not in original container labeled.
2 Observed the Chorizo inside of a pan within a cold hold temping at 59 degrees Fahrenheit (F), 59 F, and 60 F in three separate spots. Observed raw Egg Yolk within another cold hold unit temping at 68 F. Observed a large container of beans prepared yesterday at 10:00 PM temping within the walk-in cooler at 58 F. Ensure that all Time/ Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) food items and beverages are kept at a temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit (F) or lower inside cold holds, coolers, reach-in coolers, refrigerators, and walk-in coolers. If a TCS food item is kept at temperatures above 41 F for more than four (4) hours, then they MUST be immediately discarded. The inspector recommended the following tips for the food to stay at 41 F or lower: The top opening lid of the cold hold units NEED to stay closed when not in use (this shall prevent the cold air from escaping at the top). The CFM could also fill the top containers halfway or two thirds max. The more you fill a deep container, the harder it shall be for food to cool down. The CFM could also limit the number of food containers he has inside the cold hold. This shall allow the cold air to circulate throughout the cold hold. Other solutions could be to limit the number of times the CFM and staff open and close the cold hold units, or it could be a simple matter of lowering the temperature of the cold hold (bring it down to 37 to 38 F). The CFM went ahead and discarded these containers of food that have been out of temperature. Ensure the following: 3-501.16(A)(2) Cold Hold (41°F/45°F or below).
31 Observed paper towels missing at the handwash sink at the main bar. Ensure that all kitchen and bathroom handwash sinks are stocked with hand soap and disposable paper towels during all hours of operation. The hand soap CANNOT be a bar of soap, liquid dish soap, or hand sanitizer. It MUST be liquid or foam hand soap. Ensure that the basins of the handwash sinks are kept clear (should only be used to wash hands). The staff placed more paper towels at the main bar handwash sink. Ensure the following:6-301.12 Hand drying provision.
19 Observed that plumbing underneath the standing mop sink did NOT have the required one inch air gap. The three-compartment sink to the right of the ware washing machine was also missing a one inch air gap. The inspector also noticed one kitchen plumbing line missing the required one inch air gap (end of the pipe too close to the grating of the floor drain). Ensure that all kitchen plumbing maintains an air gap of at least one inch (1”) above the grating of the floor drain. If the diameter of the pipe is larger than one inch, then the air gap is double the diameter (example: A kitchen pipe that has a diameter of two inches NEEDS an air gap of at least four inches above the kitchen/ floor drain). This shall prevent contamination of the plumbing lines in the event of a sewage backflow. This rule applies to restaurant grade hoses or plumbing that come from appliances such as ice machines and cold holds. Ensure the following: 5-202.13 Backflow prevention, air gap.
10 The inspector chose three food-contact pans/ containers on the clean dish rack at random. All three pans had leftover food debris on the food-contact surfaces. Ensure that the pans go through the Wash, Rinse, and Sanitize cycle once again. Ensure that all food-contact surfaces are clean to sight and touch. Leftover food debris/ stains can harbor pathogenic microorganisms and contaminate the next food that is placed on that surface. The CFM instructed the dishwasher to rewash the pans. Ensure the following: 4-601.11(A) Food-contact surfaces clean to sight and touch.

NOTE: The City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District presents food establishment "Inspection Scores" calculated from a perfect 100 score minus any identified violations and subsequent demerits. The demerits system is computed based upon the number of violations found during a regular food establishment inspection. There are three categories of demerits and each are assigned a demerit score of 3, 2 or 1 points. A total demerit score of zero (0) indicates no violations were noted at the time of the inspection and is therefore reflected in a calculated "Inspections Score" of 100. It should be noted that a score of zero (0) demerits or a calculated "Inspection Score" of 100 does not mean that absolute perfect conditions exist at a facility/restaurant, and should not be the basis for any expectation by visitors. Scores and demerits listed on this site only represent the state of the facility/restaurant at the time of inspection.

Any reference to specific food establishments or facilities does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District.