
Non-Smoking Facility
San Antonio , TX 78228
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San Antonio , TX 78228
Date: 09/19/2024
Score 96
39 Ensure that scoops for bulk items have a handle that is stored out of the product. 3-304.12(A) In-use utensils, between-use storage. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored except as specified under subsection (B) of this section, in the food with their handles above the top of the food and the container.
34 Ensure that screen at backdoor is reinforced to be sealed all the way around. 6-202.15(D) Outer openings.
47 228.31(e) The food establishment shall maintain on premises a certificate of completion of the food handler training course for each food employee.
47 228.31(a) Certified Food Manger (CFM) Certificate posted in conspicuous location.
45 Observed hole in ceiling in dining area. 6-501.11 Repairing. The physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair.
San Antonio , TX 78228
Date: 05/30/2024
Score 94
21 2-101.11(A) Except as specified in (B), the permit holder shall be the person in charge or shall designate a person in charge and shall ensure that a person in charge is present at the establishment during all hours of operation.
34 Observed flies in kitchen area. 6-501.111(B) Controlling pests. Check premises.
40 Observed BBQ sauce stored inside reused potato salad single-use container. 4-502.13(A) Single-service and single-use articles may not be reused.
42 Observed residue buildup inside ice machine. 4-601.11(C) Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
47 228.31(e) The food establishment shall maintain on premises a certificate of completion of the food handler training course for each food employee.
San Antonio , TX 78228
Date: 01/25/2024
Score 92
31 Hot water valve shut off at start of inspection. 5-202.12(A) Hand washing facility provide water at a temperature of at least 38 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit) through a mixing valve or combination faucet.
21 2-101.11(A) Except as specified in (B), the permit holder shall be the person in charge or shall designate a person in charge and shall ensure that a person in charge is present at the establishment during all hours of operation.
40 Discontinue use of white plastic containers in refrigerator. 4-502.13(A) Single-service and single-use articles may not be reused.
39 Observed tongs for pickles stored with handle touching product. 3-304.12(A) In-use utensils, between-use storage. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored except as specified under subsection (B) of this section, in the food with their handles above the top of the food and the container.
28 Did not observe any date labels on food containers in refrigerator. The food was missing a label with the day of preparation. Food should be marked with an identifier name, date of preparation and a discard date. Date of preparation is day one, plus 6 for a total of 7 days. The longest USE BY date is the day of preparation plus 6 days 3-501.17(A) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food.
San Antonio , TX 78228
Date: 08/10/2023
Score 90
21 No food manager certification available at time of inspection. 228.221(a)(4)(A) Certified Food Protection Manager Certification.
31 Hot water valve shut off during start of inspection. 5-202.12(A) Hand washing facility provide water at a temperature of at least 38 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit) through a mixing valve or combination faucet.
31 No paper towels available at hand sink. 6-301.12 Hand drying provision..
22 No food handler certification available during time of inspection. 228.31(d) Food Handler Training criteria.
42 Observed grease accumulation on top of lid for bulk storage on shelves. 4-601.11(C) Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
39 Observed damaged strainer in bin on counter. 4-501.11 Good repair and proper adjustment..
28 Did not observe any date labels on food containers in refrigerator. The food was missing a label with the day of preparation. Food should be marked with an identifier name, date of preparation and a discard date. Date of preparation is day one, plus 6 for a total of 7 days. The longest USE BY date is the day of preparation plus 6 days 3-501.17(A) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food.
San Antonio , TX 78228
Date: 05/12/2023
Score 95
21 No CFM on site during time of inspection. 228.31(b) Certified food protection manager shall be present at the food establishment during all hours of operation as required in Food Code, §2-101.11 and §2-102.12.
31 Hot water valve on hand sink shut off during time of inspection. 5-202.12(A) Hand washing facility provide water at a temperature of at least 38 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit) through a mixing valve or combination faucet.
31 Hand soap unavailable at hand sink during start of inspection. 6-301.11 Hand washing cleanser, availability.
34 Ensure that screen on backdoor entrance is repaired to be fully sealed. 6-202.15(D) Outer openings.
34 Observed flies in kitchen, prep area, and dining room. 6-501.111(B) Controlling pests. Check premises.
San Antonio , TX 78228
Date: 01/26/2023
Score 95
29 Sanitizing test strips not available during time of inspection. 4-302.14 Sanitizing solutions, testing devices.
40 Discontinue the use of food storage in single-use containers. 4-502.13(A) Single-service and single-use articles may not be reused.
27 Observed rice cooling on counter in front of Air Conditioner. CORRETIVE ACTIONS: There was enough time to allow shallow bags of rice to cool on ice in refrigerator. Ensure that proper cooling methods are being followed. See Cooling Methods Fact Sheet. 3-501.15(A) Cooling method, criteria.
San Antonio , TX 78228
Date: 08/18/2022
Score 97
21 228.221(a)(4)(A) Certified Food Protection Manager Certification.
45 See to walls are in good condition and free from heavy staining or warping at or around wall ac unit. See wall at 3 compartment sink. Secure 3 compartment sink to the wall. 4-6-101.11(A)(1) Materials for floor, wall, and ceiling shall be smooth, durable, and easily cleanable.
45 Seal raw wood shelving over hot hold unit.
San Antonio , TX 78228
Date: 05/05/2022
Score 94
21 2-102.12(A) At least one certified food protection manager must be employed by each establishment.
22 228.31(d) Food Handler Training criteria.
45 Walls under air condition heavily stained. Investigate and correct. Walls must be smooth, easily cleaned and non absorbent. 6-101.11(A)(3) Materials for indoor floor, wall, and ceiling surfaces under conditions of normal use shall be nonabsorbent.
39 All food contact containers are protected and or inverted.
45 Ensure storage of outside items and supplies; wood, mats and racks are organized not cluttered to avoid harborage.
San Antonio , TX 78228
Date: 01/13/2022
Score 91
3 3-501.16(A)(1) Hot Hold (135°F or higher). All cooked food must be held to 135F or above during all times. Sausage in hot hold 128F. Sausage to be reheated to 165F.
21 2-102.12(A) At least one employee that has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a test that is part of an accredited program. A certified Food Manager must be onsite at all times of operation, this may result in more than one employee with certification. Plan accordingly.
22 228.31(d) Food Handler Training criteria. www.sanantonio.gov/food All food handlers must obtain and retain a Food handling certificate onsite when requested.
31 Hand sink turned off at plumbing due to leak. Investigate and correct. Hand sink must be accessible and available at all times.
San Antonio , TX 78228
Date: 09/01/2021
Score 92
45 outside establishment inside fenced area; remove items not needed and organize remaining items. observed mobile unit used for storage of paper products and sealed canned items. follow up pending 228.172(c) Storage areas. Outdoor storage areas for refuse, recyclables, or returnables.
35 228.42(a)(1) Eating food, chewing gum, drinking beverages, or using tobacco. Water bottles are not approved personal beverages. Utilize drink cups with spill proof lids and place in a designated area. Drinks discarded.
36 Sanitizing towels must be placed in labeled sanitizing containers. 228.68(d)(2)(A) Cloths in-use for wiping between uses stored.
21 * 228.33(b) At least one certified food protection manager must be employed by each establishment.
22 * 228.33(c) Food Handler Training criteria. www.sanantonio.gov/food
37 228.69(a)(2) Food in packages and working containers may be stored less than 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor on case lot handling equipment.
San Antonio , TX 78228
Date: 05/24/2021
Score 100

NOTE: The City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District presents food establishment "Inspection Scores" calculated from a perfect 100 score minus any identified violations and subsequent demerits. The demerits system is computed based upon the number of violations found during a regular food establishment inspection. There are three categories of demerits and each are assigned a demerit score of 3, 2 or 1 points. A total demerit score of zero (0) indicates no violations were noted at the time of the inspection and is therefore reflected in a calculated "Inspections Score" of 100. It should be noted that a score of zero (0) demerits or a calculated "Inspection Score" of 100 does not mean that absolute perfect conditions exist at a facility/restaurant, and should not be the basis for any expectation by visitors. Scores and demerits listed on this site only represent the state of the facility/restaurant at the time of inspection.

Any reference to specific food establishments or facilities does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District.