
Non-Smoking Facility
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
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10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 10/08/2024
Score 89
31 Observed hand soap diluted with water. Correction: Ensure to not dilute hand soap as per 6-301.11 Hand washing cleanser, availability.
30 Food permit has not been paid for. Correction: Ensure to pay for food permit within 10 days as per 8-301.11.1 Permit Requirement, Prerequisite for Operation.
28 Observed no date markings within establishment. Correction: Ensure that any food that is being held longer then 24 hours must have date labels present as per 3-501.17(A) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food.
6 Observed eggroll with internal temp of 83F which management states has been sitting out in open for 2 hours. No records provided to show how long or when to discard food product if not using hot/cold hold. Correction: Ensure food using time as public health control is discarded after 4 hours and there are records to keep track of time as per 3-501.19(A) Written procedures shall be prepared in advance, maintained in the establishment.
32 Observed lettuce and other food product being stored in t-shirt bags. Correction: Ensure that bags used for storing food are food grade and do not have any print on it as per 228.224(i) Equipment and utensils approved for food use..
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 05/23/2024
Score 94
47 no up to date food permit posted. Correction: Ensure to post up to date food permit as per 8-304.11(A) Permit posted.
35 Observed open can of soda being stored in refrigerator above other food product. Correction: All employee food must be stored away from food being served to public as per 2-401.11 Eating food, chewing gum, drinking beverages, or using tobacco.
28 Observed no date marking taking place in establishment. Correction: All food that is being stored longer then 24 hours must have date marking and when to discard as per 3-501.17(A) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food.
32 Observed establishment storing RTE Food in shopping bags. Correction: food must only come into contact with food grade utensils as per 228.224(i) Equipment and utensils approved for food use..
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 01/29/2024
Score 91
38 Observed establishment thawing out Shimp without running water. Correction: if using water to thaw it must e done under running water as per 3-501.13(B) Thawing. under running water criteria.
37 Observed bag of carrots stored on floor. Correction: Food must be stored at least 6 inches off the floor as per 3-305.11(A)(3) Storing the food at least 15 cm (6 inches) above the floor.
35 Observed 1 cook in kitchen not wearing a hair restraint. Correction: Anyone in the kitchen and food handling must wear a hair restraint as per 2-402.11 Hair Restraints effective.
28 Observed food prepped the day before without any date marking. Correction: Food that is prepared and stored longer then 24 hours must have date marking as per 3-501.17(A) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food.
47 no up to date food permit posted. Correction: post up to date food permit as per 8-304.11(A) Permit posted.
31 Observed hand wash sink by 3 compartment sink being used to store a drinking bottle and a pan. Correction: hand sinks must not be used for anything else but hand washing as per 5-205.11 Using a hand washing facility. accessible at all times for employee use; not be used for purposes other than hand washing.
39 Observe cup being used as a scoop for sugar. Also scoop handles were seen in contact with food product. Ensure that handle does not touch food product and to not use bowl as scoop as per 3-304.12(A) In-use utensils, between-use storage. During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored except as specified under subsection (B) of this section, in the food with their handles above the top of the food and the container.
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 09/08/2023
Score 80
15 Observed employee prepare ready-to-eat summer rolls with bare hands. Corrective Actions: Employees must use barriers such as gloves or tongs to prepare ready-to-eat foods. As per: 3-301.11(B) Bare hands contact with ready-to-eat foods.
31 Observed items stored in hand sink next to 3 compartment sink. Corrective Actions: Hand sink must be available at all times, especially during food preparations. Do not store any items in hand sink. As per: 5-205.11 Using a hand washing facility. accessible at all times for employee use; not be used for purposes other than hand washing.
9 Observed containers of shrimp stored directly on floor without any covering, employees walking around food, containers were stored in between 3 compartment and hand sink. Corrective Actions: All food items must be protected - food may not be stored on the floor and must have protective covering. As per: 3-302.11(A)(1) Food protected from cross contamination by separating, storage, preparation, holding, and display.
28 Observed food items stored in cold hold units overnight without date markings and disposition. Corrective Actions: All food items, including sauces in containers are to be date marked. Day 1 starts on the day food was prepared, add 6 days for discard date. As per: 3-501.17(A) Date marking prepare on site RTE/ TCS food. 3-501.17(C) Date marking combined ingredients for RTE/ TCS food.
10 Observed interior chute of ice machine heavily soiled with black residue. Corrective Actions: Ice machine is to be serviced to clean and remove all residues. Interior of ice machine is to be clean to sight and touch. As per: 4-601.11(A) Food-contact surfaces clean to sight and touch.
18 Observed unlabeled chemical bottle. Candies and packaged teas stored directly next to air fresheners and toilet cleaner. Corrective Actions: Label all chemical bottles when not in original container. All chemicals must be separated from food items during storage. As per: 7-201.11 Poisonous/toxic materials or chemicals stored properly. 7-102.11 Poisonous/toxic materials or chemicals not in original container labeled.
19 Observed pipe connected below hand sink and installed above 3 compartment sink. Owner stated that the extra pipe allows for them to wash larger dishes. Corrective Actions: Consult with plumber regarding proper pipe connections. If current 3 compartment sink does not allow for proper washing of dishes, you may install a larger 3 compartment sink or use smaller dishes. As per: 5-205.15(A) A plumbing system shall be repaired according to the Plumbing Code.
45 Observed vent filters in kitchen ceilings heavily soiled with dust and residue. Dead pests inside of light shields. Cold hold unit doors and gaskets with roach frass. Walls and floors below/behind stove soiled with grease. Corrective Actions: Detailed cleaning of establishment is needed. Clean below and behind all equipment. Walls, floors, and ceilings must be clean to sight and touch. As per: 6-501.12 Cleaning, frequency and RESTRICTIONs..
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 04/11/2023
Score 100
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 01/20/2023
Score 97
31 6-301.11 Hand washing cleanser, availability. No hand soap by hand sink in kitchen area. Ensure hand washing cleanser by hand sink at all times.
47 8-304.11(A) Permit posted. Ensure posting current Food Establishment Permit in public view.
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 09/22/2022
Score 98
42 Thoroughly clean water heater and metal shelves to remove any grease/dust build up.
45 Personal items (i.e. beveregs, ipad, etc) shoudl be stored in an area away from food and food contact surfaces.
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 05/26/2022
Score 75
6 Observed cooked chicken, and raw pooling eggs that were sitting at preparation cart, at room temperature. Employee stated these items are stored for a short time, but no record or log was presented. Ensure that if foods are held off temperature, that they be held for no longer than 4 hours, and then discarded.
10 Observed refrigeration units, containers of food, packages of food, to be contaminated with heavy grease residue and food debris buildup. Evidence of dead roaches were present along gaskets in cold hold units, exterior of food packages. Ensure that all food contact surfaces are cleaned and sanitized properly and that foods are properly and safely stored away. Clean microwave to remove dead roaches along door.
15 Observed employee handling lettuce with bare hands. No gloves being worn at this time, nor was bare hand contact documentation presented. Ensure that if a barrier will not be used when handling ready to eat foods, that proper documentation and methods are presented, or that a barrier such as gloves, etc are being properly used.
18 Obsereved gorilla glue on shelf next to and above prepared and uncovered foods. Observed medicinal supplements on shelf, as well, next to and above prepared and uncovered foods. Ensure to store all toxics in a designated area away from food and food contact surfaces.
31 Observed hand sink by ice machine to not have cold water available, making it impossible to wash hands properly. Soap was very watered down and not sufficient to be used for proper hand washing. Observed hand sink in kitchen to have two large strainers, a box of gloves, as well as 2 live roaches sitting in it. Soap was not working at this time for this hand sink. Ensure that all hand sinks are properly supplied with hand soap, hot and cold water, and paper towels.
32 Bungee rope used to swing door open and closed was soiled and should be replaced with proper material that is smooth, easily cleanable, and non absorbent. Any wood in the reach in coolers should be smooth, easily cleanable, and non absorbent. Cutting boards that are heavily scarred should be replaced. Preparation carts that have cloth towels and paper towels used to line racks to store foods on, should not be using such materials to store food on. Ensure that all surfaces where foods are to be stored on, are smooth, easily cleanable, and non absorbent.
34 Observed medium size live roaches on shelves where foods were being stored and prepared. Observed live medium sized roaches in hand sink in kitchen, as well as in reach in coolers and cold hold units, along gaskets. Observed small live roaches on shelves where foods and single service items were being stored, as well as uncovered foods to be stored. Ensure that proper pest control service is conducted and that establishment is properly treated to remove all pests. Ensure to thoroughly clean all surfaces including, but not limited to the following, to ensure from harboring and becoming a source for roach activity...clean floors , walls, exterior and interior of equipment, shelves, refrigeration units, gaskets, under equipment, vents, etc to remove heavy grease and food buildup. Ensure that all openings, including back screen door, are properly sealed and tight fitting. Manager stated pest control service comes out to treat once a month, and that they are due to come out in 2 days. Ensure to provide most recent pest control service receipt. Observed several medium live roaches living inside reach in cooler that is not longer in use. Observed dead roaches along door linings of microwave, and cold hold units.
36 Any cloth towel that is used for multi purposes, should be stored in sanitizing solution, immediately after each use. Observed cloth towels not properly sanitizing.
37 Ensure that all foods stored in refrigeration units and out on preparation tables, are properly covered at all times.
38 Observed raw frozen shrimp, being stored in standing water. Ensure that all foods being thawed out, are thawed overnight under cold hold temperature in proper refrigerators, in microwave immediately before use, or under running water.
40 Any single service items, sugar packets, sauces, utensils, to go containers, etc should be stored on clean surfaces, away from food debris, roach evidence, etc. Ensure to maintain such items to be clean for service of customers.
42 Thorough cleaning of vents, grills, equipment, cold hold units, floors, walls, vents, ceiling tiles, etc should be cleaned and maintained
43 Lighting in all refrigeration units should be properly working and available for proper cleaning.
45 Provide a designated area, that is away from food and food contact/storage areas, where employees can store their personal beverages, and items.
47 Thorough cleaning and organizing of items being stored. Ensure to remove refrigeration units that are no longer to be used, and are becoming a housing source for roaches. Remove any items that are not being used for operations. Remove any harborage.
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 01/31/2022
Score 90
34 Observed many dead small roaches along wall behind cold hold unit in kitchen, as well as on glue trap and floor behind same unit. Observed back door left open. Ensure that all crevices and openings along wall edges, and back door are sealed and tight fitting. Ensure to remove dead roaches.
31 Hand sink did not have soap or paper towels. Corrected on site.
18 Ensure that bags used to store food, are food grade. At this time, roll of bags, was not labeled undetermined if they are food grade. Please provide information to determine if they are food grade. Observed medication bottles sitting on rack next to single service items and food items, as well as along ice machine. Ensure that all toxic items are stored in a designated area away from food and food contact surfaces.
15 Observed employee handling ready to eat foods with bare hands. Proper documentation not available. Ensure that if establishment choses to handle food with bare hands, that proper documentation with Health Department approval, is available or that barriers are provided to handle such food items.
42 Thorough cleaning and sanitizing of floors, walls, ceiling tiles, vent hood, exterior and interior of all refrigeration units and racks, in order to remove all buildup. Maintain cleanliness of units and surfaces.
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 06/07/2021
Score 87
10 Observed black reside along interior of ice machine. Observed buildup along edges of cold hold units, lids, gaskets, refrigeration and freezer unit interior, clean dishware on magnetic strip. Thoroughly clean and sanitize all surfaces to prevent contamination of foods being stored in or near these areas.
20 Three drain pipes sitting inside floor drain. Ensure to provide an air gap, twice the size of pipe's diameter, between floor drain and end of pipe.
31 At beginning of inspection, kitchen hand sink, near ware washing area, was not readily accessible. Items were being stored in sink and being blocked. Sink was made accessible. Ensure that hand sinks are accessible at all times. If issue continues to arise, sinks may be required to be relocated to an accessible area for all employees.
34 Observed presence of live flies in kitchen. Back screen and door was open. Ensure to keep all doors and screens properly closed at all times. Observed small dead roaches along gaskets in refrigeration units. Seal all openings, cracks, and holes, in walls. Ensure to provide proper pest control service by a licensed technician. Provide most recent pest control service invoice.
38 Observed frozen raw ground meat on prep tables. Thawing should only be done in microwave immediately prior to cooking, overnight in refrigeration units, or under running room temperature water.
41 Properly label all ingredients with common name.
42 Thorough cleaning of all stove top, venthoods, floors, exterior of refrigeration units, etc.
45 Personal beverages should be stored in a cup with lid and straw only. Store all personal items in desinagered employee area.
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 11/16/2020
Score 90
10 Magnetic strip where knives were stored, was dirty to touch and sight. Ensure to remove all grease buildup and debris attached to surfaces. Observed refrigeration units and mircowave to have debris buildup. Ensure to thoroughly clean all surfaces routinely to remove and prevent future buildup.
18 Remove bottles of medication, that are stored on top of ice machine. Refrain from using an buckets that are not food grade material. Home Depot buckets for soup are not food grade approved, unless proven otherwise from manufacturing company.
31 Hand sink in back area was not accessible. This was corrected on site. Hand sink in front entrance way was accessible, but did not have hot water or paper towels. Ensure that hot water is readily available by 1st Reinspection.
32 Wood boards used in areas for food container storage, and in refrigerator should be sealed properly and all raw wood should be smooth, easily cleanable, and non absorbent.
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 09/21/2020
Score 98
31 * 228.149(a) Using a hand washing facility. accessible at all times for employee use; not be used for purposes other than hand washing.
31 * 228.175(b) Hand washing cleanser, availability.
31 * 228.175(c) Hand drying provision..
10730 POTRANCO RD #126
San Antonio , TX 78245
Date: 11/25/2019
Score 97
35 228.43(a) Hair Restraints effective. Ensure employees were hair restraint devices during handling and preparing food. Correct on the spot.
33 * 228.147(c)(1) Service sink or one curbed cleaning facility provided and to have hot/cold running water.

NOTE: The City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District presents food establishment "Inspection Scores" calculated from a perfect 100 score minus any identified violations and subsequent demerits. The demerits system is computed based upon the number of violations found during a regular food establishment inspection. There are three categories of demerits and each are assigned a demerit score of 3, 2 or 1 points. A total demerit score of zero (0) indicates no violations were noted at the time of the inspection and is therefore reflected in a calculated "Inspections Score" of 100. It should be noted that a score of zero (0) demerits or a calculated "Inspection Score" of 100 does not mean that absolute perfect conditions exist at a facility/restaurant, and should not be the basis for any expectation by visitors. Scores and demerits listed on this site only represent the state of the facility/restaurant at the time of inspection.

Any reference to specific food establishments or facilities does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District.